You can be the hero they need.

Sad dog in cruelty situation

Maura Flaherty/The HSUS

As a loyal supporter of the Fund for Animals, you know how important it is to protect ALL animals. Over the coming months, we intend to merge the Fund for Animals into the Humane Society of the United States to have an even greater impact for all animals.

Together, we’ll continue the Fund for Animals’ long legacy of providing lifetime sanctuary for rescued animals at Black Beauty Ranch and providing critical veterinary services to vulnerable communities through the Rural Area Veterinary Services program while also working on critical animal protections throughout the country. While we work to finalize the merger, we’d like to invite you to join the Humane Society of the United States in our fight for all animals! By giving a gift to the Humane Society of the United States today, you can help create a future where animals no longer have to suffer in puppy mills, factory farms, testing labs or other heartbreaking situations.

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