Fight for a federal ban on killing contests
Wildlife killing contests are unsporting events where people attempt to kill the largest, the most or even the smallest animals they can. Unfortunately, the pandemic has not stopped these types of contests from happening. As if the in-person events weren’t barbaric enough, organizers are increasingly bringing their contests online.
We must re-double our efforts to stop these inhumane contests and pass a federal ban on killing contests, including online contests. No animal should be killed for prizes or bragging rights.
Please make a brief, polite phone call to your U.S. Representative and Senators. Look up their phone numbers. You can say: "Please support a federal ban on killing contests, including online killing contests. These contests are cruel, unsporting and harmful to ecosystems." Then, use the form below to send a follow-up message.
After making your call (please do not skip that crucial step!), fill in and submit the form below to send a follow-up message. Editing your message will help it stand out.