Help end trophy hunting!
The United States is the world's largest importer of animal trophies, including federally protected species such as elephants, leopards, and lions -- wildlife whose numbers are in sharp decline. Trophy hunting not only exacerbates pressures on already imperiled species, but also is counterproductive to the millions of taxpayer dollars spent on the population recovery efforts for these species and combating wildlife trafficking and poaching.
Unfortunately, despite their proven, scientific need for federal protections against unnecessary losses like from trophy hunting, endangered and threatened species are still being hunted towards extinction. The Prohibiting Threatened and Endangered Creature Trophies (ProTECT) Act will take the necessary steps to move us towards ending trophy hunting by prohibiting the import of any trophy of a species listed as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) into the United States and trophy hunting in the United States of any ESA-listed species.
While government agencies spend millions of taxpayer dollars to curb poaching, they fail to address the one factor they have complete control over: trophy hunting by U.S. citizens. This bill is a vital step towards supporting real conservation efforts to save imperiled wildlife -- we should be working to protect these majestic creatures from being slayed by trophy hunters for fun and for bragging rights.
Please make a brief, polite phone call now to your U.S. Representative and two U.S. Senators. Look up their phone numbers.. You can simply say, "Please support reintroduction of the Prohibiting Threatened and Endangered Creature Trophies (ProTECT) Act, which will prohibit the import of any trophy of a species listed under the ESA into the United States and trophy hunting in the United States of any ESA-listed species."
Calling is so important. Please do not skip this crucial step. Then, personalize and use the form to send a follow-up message.